Friday, November 9, 2012

Before-The Teen Tornado

We have gotten to the point in my thirteen year old's life that she needs a change. I don't mean plastic surgery change, I mean room re-do change. Much less invasive.

Now, I'm putting it out there and showing you the before pictures as-is. My daughter is a typical 13 year old and her room is awful! So, try not to judge too much.

She hasn't had a room re-vamp since she was a young kid-probably 4-5 years ago. At that time, she wanted a jungle theme so we went all crazy with jungle. Doesn't look too great now but it was sooo cool in the eyes of an 8 year old.

Her room is really rather difficult to take pictures of. The bedrooms are small in our house and hers is a weird shape. It's not a typical square. Her bedroom door is on an angle and it makes it difficult to get a full pic with my crappy camera phone. Here's a basic mock-up of her room.

And her jungle theme is looking a little worse for wear. Plus, she added in all the One Direction posters (she's obsessed with that band) and it's official-she's outgrown her "kids" room.

So, we started hunting for a new look. Her favorite color is turquoise blue and it seemed a logical place to start. And since she only halfway cares about decorating I figured I could pretty much have free reign over it as long as I didn't make it too girly=aka PINK (Monkey's a bit of a tomboy).

Since summer I have been obsessed with turquoise and coral so that's what I decided to go with (not too pink!!!). And she okayed the color pallet. I started pulling pics for inspiration.

Here are the pinterest pics I found. Some have pink but can easily be adjusted:
via etsy

via simply-designgirl (for bedding)

via migonishome
VIA houseofturquoise
As you can see I started veering toward that light blue/green seafoam-y color. But my bedding choice brings back the true turquoise for her (which I've failed to take a pic of).

My plans are to paint her twin bed a color similar to the twin beds above and her dresser that awesome pop of coral. I hope to start her room re-do this weekend (but it won't be done for several weeks). I wanted to show you before pics and inspiration pics. Hopefully the final result will be awesome!

Cross your fingers for me! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Opinions on voting and whiskers on minions...

Lines at the polls and the lies of politicians...These are a few of my least favorite things.
::::sung to the tune of My Favorite Things from Sound of Music::::

Okay, well, Julie Andrews would be appalled by my rendition but it's all I've got.

I certainly wished that I was frolicking through the hills instead of waiting in line for an hour this morning. LOL!

Just wanted to put in a quick word to say I hope everyone voted today. I'm not the least bit political but I do my part when necessary. I got in line at 630 am and there was already a line out to the road (thank goodness I got a coffee and danish beforehand!).

And the line behind me got longer very quickly!

It was a pretty dreary day here as well. Which was no bueno when it came to waiting in a line without an umbrella.

The helper at the door passed out umbrellas though. He was very helpful.

Although it took me awhile I felt extraordinarily patriotic filling out my ballot. And luckily, I got the prize at the end of the rainbow:

It's really all about the sticker for me anyway.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween...scare tactics 2012

This year for Halloween Luhvah decided to go scary. Our neighborhood kids are getting to the age where little scares them so he decided a creepy clown would be the ticket. We love making homemade costumes. Of course, for me, it's to see how cheap I can possibly make something. For Luhvah's costume we gathered everything from the dollar store and thrift stores. The most expensive thing we got was the bald cap at a Halloween store for 10.00 (ouch!). We made the hair with spider webbing and red spraypaint. His costume came in total to about 20.00. And most of that was the cap. Anyhow. After the whole night was over Luhvah realized he forgot his red nose! Oh NOES! It would have been so much better with it (we bought it but he forgot to put it on in the chaos of the night). Here are the results:

 I edited to show a red nose. Look how much better it woulda been!

I decided to scare it up a bit myself by painting my face. Also, I made a skeleton shirt copying one I found on Pinterest (what the heck did I ever do before pinterest?). Total was only 1.50 for the shirt to rip up (bought at thrift store).

What does it say that I no longer take pictures of my daughter in her costume for Halloween? That she's a teenager, that's what it says. She's too busy running out the door with her friends for me to grab a pic and by the time I remember she's long gone!
This year she was Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games). Easy and cheap. I only had to buy her a jacket (thrift store-7.00). She had everything else (including bow/arrow).

Oh, and on a side note...Pinterest fail=

Water balloons with glow stick inside hanging in a stocking. I only spent 4.50 on this project so luckily it wasn't a lot out of pocket. But the glow sticks weren't bright enough to see through the balloon (which were white). Maybe I need clear balloons-and more glow sticks in 'em. I still like the idea. Maybe I'll play with it next year.

Hope you had a Happy Halloween- I'm off to eat some candy!

Breast Cancer Awareness-Winner!!!!

We won! If ya don't know, we had a contest at work for decorating a pumpkin for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Our lovely lady won the contest! What did we win? A pizza party for the whole dept. Which, of course, all the guys will love up here.

Now, time for my acceptance speech. ::::clearing throat:::: Ahem,

              "Thank you, Thank you. I would first like to say that this is not something that I could do on my own (oh yes I could). Many, many people contributed to the success of our hooker cop. I'd like to thank my wonderful friend Rachael, without which I could not have come up with such a great idea (heck, half the idea was hers peeps!). And my husband, who mostly always supports my cocamamie decisions even when they are insane a little out there. My boss, who did not dissuade us when we set her up at the front desk for all to see as they came into the station. And last, but certainly not least, our Chief of Police for not having a heart attack when he laid eyes on his "new employee" (Chief can be quite, ahem, conservative and a bit taciturn so the number one question each and every officer asked when they saw the pumpkin cop was, "Has Chief seen it yet?!!!"). But really, little people my lovelies, it was a pleasure just being nominated (no it wasn't, I was in it to win it!). I mean, you like me, you really like me!"

I promise this win will not go to my head. I am still the down-to-earth loveable (sorta) person I was yesterday. Now, excuse me while I go call my entourage. I need someone to pour me another drink.